k. e. jansson
Karl Emanuel Jansson, född 7 juli 1846 i Finström, Åland, död 1 juni 1874 i Jomala, var en åländsk konstnär. Han var näst äldst av sju syskon. Han far, Jan Jansson, var en bonde i Pålsböle.
Sina konstnärliga inspiration fick han av sockenmålaren G Kjellgren, vid sex-sju års ålder, när han där lärde sig att läsa och skriva. Efter avlutad skolgång sattes han i skomakarlära. Efter ett år drogs han till Kjellgren och fungerade som hans hjälpreda. Kyrkoherden Frans von Knorring såg i slutet av 1859 några av hans teckningar. Han sände några till Finska Konstföreningens direktion och lovordade Karl.
Förening gav ett bidrag för att kunna studera vid Finska Konstföreningens ritskola i Åbo, under ledning av Robert Wilhelm Ekman. Av Ekman fick han husrum, rit- och målningsmaterial och en hel del extra undervisning. Karl gjorde stora framsteg under de 2 åren han målade med Ekman.
Jansson flyttade hösten 1862 till Stockholm, för att kunna utvecklas mer som artist, och inskrevs som elev vid Kongl. Akademin för de fria konsterna. Han tog anatomiexamen 1863. Han levde under svåra ekonomiska förhållanden och hade svårt att sälja sina verk.
Jansson fick hård kritik för de målningar han sände hem, exempelvis, Babian ätande en råtta, och konstföreningen betraktade dem med avsky. Han började då kritisera sig själv allt mer och mer, och den inställningen behöll han. Han fick inte den uppmärksammad han behövde. Tavlan Den förlorade sonens återkomst, belönades med ett pris. Han avslutade sin utbildning vid akademien 1867 med mycket beröm. Jansson lyckades utverka statsstöd för studier i Dusseldorf och reste dit på hösten 1868. Han åkte hem igen sommaren 1870 och tillbringade ett år på Åland innan han återvände till Dusseldorf.
Han var nu märkt av en tilltagande lungsjukdom. De sista verk han fullbordade var Talmannen och En slant i håven. För att lindra sin sjukdom reste han till Rom i mars 1872. Efter några månader åkte han runt till olika kurorter (Davos, Meran) men inget förbättrade hans tillstånd. Efter en liten tid i D??sseldorf kom han hem till Åland sensommaren 1873.
Karl flyttade in på Jomala gård, där lagman Lönnblad och hans fru tog hand om honom. Han målade några verk, vilka blev ofullbordade. På dödsbädden fick han veta att han belönats på världsutställningen i Wien för sina konstverk Klöveress och Talmannen, samt att han blivit medlem i konstakademin i Sankt Petersburg. Han dog 1 juni 1874, inte ens fylld 28 år. Related Paintings of k. e. jansson :. | Brother and Sister | L'enfant gras | The Sleeping Shepherd | Children Rollerskating | The Pastry Chef | Related Artists: mauzaiseprincess adelaide dorleans taking aharp lesson with mme de genlis,c.
versailles, museum Richard Dadd1817-1886
was an English painter of the Victorian era, noted for his depictions of fairies and other supernatural subjects, Orientalist scenes, and enigmatic genre scenes, rendered with obsessively minuscule detail. Most of the works for which he is best known were created while he was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital. Dadd was born at Chatham, Medway in Kent, England, the son of a chemist. His aptitude for drawing was evident at an early age, leading to his admission to the Royal Academy of Arts at the age of 20. With William Powell Frith, Augustus Egg, Henry O'Neil and others, he founded The Clique, of which he was generally considered the leading talent. In July 1842, Sir Thomas Phillips, the former mayor of Newport, chose Dadd to accompany him as his draftsman on an expedition through Europe to Greece, Turkey, Palestine and finally Egypt. In November of that year they spent a gruelling two weeks in Palestine, passing from Jerusalem to Jordan and returning across the Engaddi wilderness. Toward the end of December, while travelling up the Nile by boat, Dadd underwent a dramatic personality change, becoming delusional and increasingly violent, and believing himself to be under the influence of the Egyptian god Osiris. His condition was initially thought to be sunstroke. On his return in the spring of 1843, he was diagnosed to be of unsound mind and was taken by his family to recuperate in the countryside village of Cobham, Kent. In August of that year, having become convinced that his father was the Devil in disguise, Dadd killed him with a knife and fled for France. En route to Paris Dadd attempted to kill another tourist with a razor, but was overpowered and was arrested by the police. Dadd confessed to the killing of his father and was returned to England, where he was committed to the criminal department of Bethlem psychiatric hospital (also known as Bedlam). Here and subsequently at the newly created Broadmoor, Dadd was cared for (and encouraged to continue painting) by the likes of Drs William Wood and Sir W. Charles Hood, in an enlightened manner. Which condition he suffered from is unclear, but it is usually understood to be a form of paranoid schizophrenia.He appears to have been genetically predisposed to mental illness; two of his siblings were similarly afflicted, while a third had "a private attendant" for unknown reasons.In the hospital he was allowed to continue to paint and it was here that many of his masterpieces were created, including his most celebrated painting, The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke, which he worked on between 1855 and 1864. Also dating from the 1850s are the thirty-three watercolour drawings titled Sketches to Illustrate the Passions, which include Grief or Sorrow, Love, and Jealousy, as well as Agony-Raving Madness and Murder. Like most of his works these are executed on a small scale and feature protagonists whose eyes are fixed in a peculiar, unfocused stare. Wladyslaw slewinski(1854-1918) was a Polish painter. He was a student of Gauguin's and a leading artist of the Young Poland movement.
Władysław Ślewiski was a Polish painter. He administered his estate in Poland before traveling to Paris in 1888. Once there he studied at the Academie Colarossi where he met Gauguin. The impression this encounter made on him and Gauguin's encouragement prompted Slewinski to dedicate himself to art. He submitted to Gauguin's artistic and personal influence, spending time with him in Paris and, from 1889, in Pont-Aven and Le Pouldu in Brittany.
Seascapes painted during this period include Cliffs in Brittany. In 1891 Gauguin painted a portrait of Slewinski and presented it to him. During this period Slewinski exhibited in Paris, with some success, both at the Salon des Independents in 1895 and 1896 and the Galerie Georges Thomas in 1897 and 1898.